The New American Evolution

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Republicans "Outfox" the people

I am sickened by this video.

It clearly shows that the Republicans have nothing but disdain for the democratic process:

WAMP: The other side says all the time, you run this place. You’ve got majorities in the House and Senate. And I want to remind them that we do. And if we didn’t want to do this, we wouldn’t do it. You know why we are doing it this way? Because this is the better way to do it because the small businesspeople and the family farmers need certainty in terms of this estate tax. We eliminated it but it comes back. It is an onerous tax. It’s an unfair tax. When you raise wages, it is a fixed cost in business, You have to compensate that with smart business investments through tax polcy. Our tax policy has been good for America. Our economic policy is good for America.

This minimum wage increase is a savvy way to put it all together and make this medicine for America go down smooth and keep our economy strong. Because this will force some fixed costs up in small business, and you can’t just throw it on them without some people losing their jobs, and this is a fair and responsible way to do it. I know why you’re so mad and why you say things you don’t really mean. It’s because you have seen us really outfox you on this issue tonight. That’s what we are doing today is bringing a very crafty, smart, good for America, good for the economy package and still allow the minimum wage to go up.

Please, get this video out to everyone you can. We need to take our government back from these people.

They are actually PROUD of the fact that they were able to piss on poor people by "outfoxing" the DEMS.

SMALL BRAIN + BIG EGO = Conservatives without Conscience


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