A new bunch of DINOs
The following Senators have the dubious distinction of voting yes on the "Incest Notification Act" AKA in BushSpeak the "Child Custody Protection Act"
Here is a quote from Dick Durbin, who actually GETS IT.
The Democratic Senators who have sold out their core values of protecting children from abusive parents
Bayh (D-IN) (He can forget my support for president)
Byrd (D-WV) (at least he's consistently a DINO)
Carper (D-DE)
Conrad (D-ND) (also consistently an asshole)
Dorgan (D-ND)
Inouye (D-HI) (Time for this Senator to retire - he's showing signs of dementia - truly)
Johnson (D-SD)
Kohl (D-WI)
Landrieu (D-LA) (consistently on the wrong side of issues)
Nelson (D-FL)
Nelson (D-NE)
Pryor (D-AR)
Reid (D-NV) (surprising)
Salazar (D-CO) (Who elected this guy?)
Now, I can understand the folks from ND, and SD, Nebraska, and Arkansas and perhaps respect them for voting the way they feel their constituents would want, but Inouye, Kohl, Salazar, and Reid, truly surprised the Heck out of me.
On the (minorly) plus side, here are two of my favorite Republicans who voted no on this abomination.
Chafee (R-RI)
Collins (R-ME)
Also of interest:
Senators voted 51 to 48 to reject an amendment drafted by Democrats that would have steered federal money to programs that educate teenagers about sexual abstinence and contraception.
So - it's no longer OK to go to a grandparent, priest, doctor, etc. to help in a time of trouble (Note: No exception for RAPE victims) but it's NOT OK to educate teenagers about contraception.
American Taliban indeed.
The Senate voted yesterday to make it a crime to take a pregnant minor to another state to obtain an abortion without her parents' knowledge, handing a long-sought victory to the Bush administration and abortion opponents.
Here is a quote from Dick Durbin, who actually GETS IT.
Opponents said the Senate measure could threaten the safety of girls, saying parents might beat their daughters if they find out about plans for an abortion. The proponents' approach "is not to deal with the reality of young people" in troubled families, said Sen. Richard J. Durbin (D-Ill.). He cited the case of an Idaho man who impregnated his 13-year-old daughter and then killed her when he learned she had scheduled an abortion.
The Democratic Senators who have sold out their core values of protecting children from abusive parents
Bayh (D-IN) (He can forget my support for president)
Byrd (D-WV) (at least he's consistently a DINO)
Carper (D-DE)
Conrad (D-ND) (also consistently an asshole)
Dorgan (D-ND)
Inouye (D-HI) (Time for this Senator to retire - he's showing signs of dementia - truly)
Johnson (D-SD)
Kohl (D-WI)
Landrieu (D-LA) (consistently on the wrong side of issues)
Nelson (D-FL)
Nelson (D-NE)
Pryor (D-AR)
Reid (D-NV) (surprising)
Salazar (D-CO) (Who elected this guy?)
Now, I can understand the folks from ND, and SD, Nebraska, and Arkansas and perhaps respect them for voting the way they feel their constituents would want, but Inouye, Kohl, Salazar, and Reid, truly surprised the Heck out of me.
On the (minorly) plus side, here are two of my favorite Republicans who voted no on this abomination.
Chafee (R-RI)
Collins (R-ME)
Also of interest:
Senators voted 51 to 48 to reject an amendment drafted by Democrats that would have steered federal money to programs that educate teenagers about sexual abstinence and contraception.
So - it's no longer OK to go to a grandparent, priest, doctor, etc. to help in a time of trouble (Note: No exception for RAPE victims) but it's NOT OK to educate teenagers about contraception.
American Taliban indeed.
The Salazar vote no longer surprises me. After his announcement of supporting Joe Lieberman even if he should loses the democratic primary, rather than Ned Lamont if he should win, has told me I really should have voted for Pete Coors. At least I would have known what I was getting with him rather than this lying weasel who claims to be some kind democrat.
I am thinking of starting a recall / anti-Ken Salazar web site in a effort to help have the same thing happen to him as is happening to Lieberman. I know someone who was heavily involved in a campaign with a opponent of Salazar's (Mike Miles... a REAL democrat) in the primary, and may see what the prospects are of him running against Salazar again.
Salazar is getting another letter from me (not that it'll do any good) voicing my displeasure for his ability to once again disregard the wishes of the people and the party that elected him. I will also be telling him that I will financially support ANY candidate that will run against him and his campaign will never see another penny from me.
Anonymous, at 9:43 AM
Indeed. It makes me wonder how badly I want the current crop of Dems to retake the Senate and House.
Will they actually provide any more oversight of these clowns in the executive office.
The Doc, at 12:11 PM
And yet more...
These are the folks who voted for the bankruptcy bill and against the people of the US.
The Doc, at 1:28 PM
Nice idea with this site its better than most of the rubbish I come across.
Anonymous, at 4:51 PM
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