How Badly do the "DEMS" want the congress?
Subtitle: How badly do we want this current crop of Dems to control the congress?
So - from my previous post regarding DINO alerts, I want to shamefully steal a quote that I have seen a number of places, particularly with respect to Holy Joe.
"The incumbent protection racket"
To whit: Democrats (e.g. Biden, Schumer, Salazar, Feinstein, Boxer) that will continue to support Joe even were he to lose the Aug 8th primary. I have long been a Boxer fan, and truly hope that she will come to her senses and realize that it is her responsibility to honor the wishes of her constituency, which, last time I checked, is on the OTHER COAST (California).
It is truly shameful to me to see these leeches on our system of representative government continue to come out in support of each other, often at the expense of "We the People".
So - back to my main question...
I for one would rather see another 2 or more years of Republican (holding my nose) control of both houses than to reward these undeserving corporate cronies (who, alas, are not much different that Joe) control of the congress.
So - I would like to see a little house cleaning: First "The Kiss" Lieberman, and perhaps some other fat cats who have never faced a challenge in the primary. This might encourage those next on the target list to remember they are there at our will, not theirs.
Failing that, I will be lobbying with every bone of my body to change the electoral system in this country to make a 3rd party viable.
I think that we need the second point as well, since it is precisely the lack of a viable third alternative that keeps us divided as a nation.
So - from my previous post regarding DINO alerts, I want to shamefully steal a quote that I have seen a number of places, particularly with respect to Holy Joe.
"The incumbent protection racket"
To whit: Democrats (e.g. Biden, Schumer, Salazar, Feinstein, Boxer) that will continue to support Joe even were he to lose the Aug 8th primary. I have long been a Boxer fan, and truly hope that she will come to her senses and realize that it is her responsibility to honor the wishes of her constituency, which, last time I checked, is on the OTHER COAST (California).
It is truly shameful to me to see these leeches on our system of representative government continue to come out in support of each other, often at the expense of "We the People".
So - back to my main question...
I for one would rather see another 2 or more years of Republican (holding my nose) control of both houses than to reward these undeserving corporate cronies (who, alas, are not much different that Joe) control of the congress.
So - I would like to see a little house cleaning: First "The Kiss" Lieberman, and perhaps some other fat cats who have never faced a challenge in the primary. This might encourage those next on the target list to remember they are there at our will, not theirs.
Failing that, I will be lobbying with every bone of my body to change the electoral system in this country to make a 3rd party viable.
I think that we need the second point as well, since it is precisely the lack of a viable third alternative that keeps us divided as a nation.
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